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Easter Experience

27 March 2023 09:17

A huge thank you to the dedicated team of volunteers who helped to make Easter Experience a big success last week – those leading and helping in zones, supplying refreshments, working behind the scenes to make it work or helping with set up and take down – every person was vital and did a great job. We were aware of children who said they had never been in a church before, and encouraged by the sheer detail about the story that they were able to recount by the end of their two hours with us. Over the three days we have seen around 400 children from 7 schools (it would have been 8 but one had to cancel last minute). It’s been tiring but also hugely inspiring! Let’s pray that the many seeds sown will be watered and in due to time grow to fruition in many young people knowing the love of God in Jesus who died and rose again!

We had some really positive feedback from the schools: "Thank you so much for a wonderful morning yesterday - the Year 6s and staff loved the experience" and "To the wonderful team at Wokingham Baptist Church and other volunteers. Thank you for a really thought-provoking, captivating and enjoyable Easter experience which the Year 6 children at [the school] will remember for a long time. We were so impressed with how well organised the event was and how creative your resources, rooms and presentations were. Thank you very much for all of your time, effort and energy. Have a very Happy Easter!"

Here are a few photos...

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday





The Upper Room

Last supper in the Upper Room


Last supper in the Upper Room


The Temple

 Jesus in the Temple



Jesus in the Temple





Caught out in Pilate's Palace!

Caught out in Pilate's Palace!