Meet the Duprees: Our BMS Mission Workers
On Saturday 7th August we will be joined by our BMS Mission Workers from Albania, Annie and Dan Dupree and their children Charis (16), Isaac (15), Amaya (10) and Thalia (3). They will be with us from 4:30pm until approximately 6pm and we will be meeting with them in the sanctuary.
They will be doing some fun, family-friendly activities as well as sharing what God is doing at the Tek Ura community centre and the church they run in Kafje e Rremes. Their work is really exciting and inspiring and also gives a really good model for Mission anywhere, even here in Wokingham! And, if you are interested in being part of the Missional Groups, then this visit might provide some ideas and inspiration for you.
We would have liked to make this a bring and share tea but due to Covid, everyone will need to bring their own tea/snacks and plenty to drink, in line with the leadership team's latest announcement. We will have tables set out in the sanctuary and people can sit in families or groups.
We will be asking encouraging people who are not exempt to wear face masks when not eating or drinking.
Please book your place using the link in the email that was sent out, or just ask the church office.
It would be really great to see as many people as possible there to support Annie and Dan.