New monthly service pattern
As lockdown restrictions and social distancing requirements have now been eased, rather than simply return to what we’ve always done, we will be moving to a new monthly pattern for our services after the summer.
We will continue to livestream morning services for those who have not booked a place or who are not ready to return to the building for whatever reason.
The first Sunday of the month will be an all age Gathering.
The second, fourth and fifth Sundays of the month will be our Gather, Renew, Inspire services at 1030am. We will all start off in the Sanctuary for the short time of worship together, then the children and young people move to their groups and ReGen. The second Sunday morning service will include Communion.
On the fourth Sunday evening, there will be a Communion service at 6.30pm.
The third Sunday of each month will be a bit different (in a good way!):
- Explore for families with children aged 11 and under, will meet in the Sanctuary at 10.00.
- Connect and Reflect gathering for adults at 10.30 in the hall, and a pre-recorded video on YouTube and the church website for those who are not ready to return to the building.
- Community groups will meet. We will gather church and non-church friends to do a missional activity i.e. things that bless the community, that build God’s Kingdom, that make faith more accessible. More details nearer the time.