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Alpha starting soon!

17 August 2023 17:00

Now more than ever people are asking the bigger questions in life: Why am I here? Why is all this happening? Is there more to life than this? and What is my purpose?

You're invited to Alpha, a place to explore the Christian faith in an easy and friendly environment. After a short introduction, we will show a video on a question of faith. Then there's plenty of time to share your thoughts – you can say anything you like or nothing at all. There's no follow up, no charge and never any pressure. Everyone's welcome. No matter your background or beliefs, you're invited. So why not see where your curiosity takes you? 

Stay Curious. Try Alpha.

Alpha runs for 10 weeks from Tuesday 17 September 2024 and runs for 10 weeks to Tuesday 26 November, with a week off for half term on Tuesday 29 October. We will also have an in person get together on Saturday 16 November.

We will be running Alpha online using Zoom as we have found this makes it more accessible for people.

If you would like to attend or have any questions, please email Victor Freeney at