Wokingham Baptist Church is a financially independent organisation. We raise most of our income from regular giving by the church family; there isn't a central organisation to give us money or staff!
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
How to give
You can put your offering in the wooden collection box or use our contactless giving station in the foyer before or after a Sunday service.
Many people choose to give by standing order directly into the church bank account, which helps the church plan and budget for its spending. If you would like to do this, our bank details are below.
We usually hold a gift day once a year for one-off gifts and you can, of course, make a one-off gift at any time.
Gift aiding
If you are a UK tax payer, please consider using gift aid so that the church, as a charity, can claim back from the government 25p of the tax you paid for every £1 you give. To do this, fill in the gift aid declaration form and return it to our gift aid secretary who can be contacted through the church office.
Bank details
The church's bank details are:
Bank: Barclays | Account Name: Wokingham Baptist Church | Account Number: 40963666 | Sort Code: 20-11-74